
Azure epic :sunglaso:


local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()


After u added the main Library Code you will have to create a Tab.

local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot", true) 
--true means darkmode is enabled and false means its disabled
--if you leave it empty you have a custom theme.
This is what the Ui will look like so far.


When you added the Tab you can add multiple things into it, such as a toggle.

local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")

AimbotTab:CreateToggle("Enable Aimbot", function(arg) --the (arg) is if the checkbox is toggled or not
    if arg then
        print("Aimbot is now : Enabled")
        print("Aimbot is now : Disabled")
When you add the toggle it will look like this.


You can also add a slider

local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")

AimbotTab:CreateSlider("Fov Radius", 0, 600, function(arg) --the (arg) is the sliders value
    print("Fov Radius is set to:", arg)
This is what the slider will look like.

You can also add a dropdown. A dropdown is a list of options you can choose.

local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")

AimbotTab:CreateDropDown("Aimbot Part", {"Head", "Torso"}, function(arg) --the (arg) is the option you choose 
    if arg == "Head" then
    elseif arg == "Torso" then
This is what the dropdown will look like when its opened.


A button describes itself, it's a button you can click (duh)

local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")

AimbotTab:CreateButton("Inf Jump", function() --you dont need "arg" for a button
    print("Inf Jump is now permanently on.")
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")

AimbotTab:CreateTextbox("Whitelist Player", function(arg) --arg is what the text is inside the textbox
    print("Whitelisted: " .. arg)

That's it! It's not the best documentation but it's kinda helpful ig.

There will ofc be more updated n shit like darkmode/lightmode gui toggle bing and colorpickers

Last updated