local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/preztel/AzureLibrary/master/uilib.lua", true))()
After u added the main Library Code you will have to create a Tab.
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/2xDTKdpV", true))()
local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot", true)
--true means darkmode is enabled and false means its disabled
--if you leave it empty you have a custom theme.
When you added the Tab you can add multiple things into it, such as a toggle.
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/2xDTKdpV", true))()
local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")
AimbotTab:CreateToggle("Enable Aimbot", function(arg) --the (arg) is if the checkbox is toggled or not
if arg then
print("Aimbot is now : Enabled")
print("Aimbot is now : Disabled")
You can also add a slider
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/2xDTKdpV", true))()
local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")
AimbotTab:CreateSlider("Fov Radius", 0, 600, function(arg) --the (arg) is the sliders value
print("Fov Radius is set to:", arg)
You can also add a dropdown. A dropdown is a list of options you can choose.
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/2xDTKdpV", true))()
local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")
AimbotTab:CreateDropDown("Aimbot Part", {"Head", "Torso"}, function(arg) --the (arg) is the option you choose
if arg == "Head" then
elseif arg == "Torso" then
A button describes itself, it's a button you can click (duh)
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/2xDTKdpV", true))()
local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")
AimbotTab:CreateButton("Inf Jump", function() --you dont need "arg" for a button
print("Inf Jump is now permanently on.")
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/2xDTKdpV", true))()
local AimbotTab = Library:CreateTab("Aimbot", "This is where you modify the Aimbot")
AimbotTab:CreateTextbox("Whitelist Player", function(arg) --arg is what the text is inside the textbox
print("Whitelisted: " .. arg)
That's it! It's not the best documentation but it's kinda helpful ig.
There will ofc be more updated n shit like darkmode/lightmode gui toggle bing and colorpickers
This is what the Ui will look like so far.
When you add the toggle it will look like this.
This is what the slider will look like.
This is what the dropdown will look like when its opened.